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Predict N7

Frequently Asked Questions

Best Practices & Results FAQs

Best Practices & Results

When will I start to see results? It usually takes 6 to 8 weeks from initial adoption of the PN7 recommended applications to see a change in leaf texture and growth control. Your results will be impacted by how you use the model settings to reflect your goals and environment and how you adapt your physical practices to allow the plant to achieve metabolic equilibrium. Predict N7 is a great tool for you to control the growth and texture of your turf.

Can I use PGRs with Predict N7? PGRs are generally not needed for growth control after 6 to 8 weeks of following PN7 recommendations, however, light rates of PGRs used in conjunction with Predict N7 have yielded excellent results in some cases. Your goals, environment and intuition can guide the use of PGRs. In cases of extremely high levels of organic matter and during very wet and hot conditions, the Nitrogen release from the soil may exceed the plants need, and a PGR is advisable. Watching the clipping yield is a great way to determine if a PGR is required. PGRs for Poa seedhead suppression are ok.

Can I use granular nitrogen fertilizer with PN7? We do not recommend using other sources of nitrogen because PN7 will recommend the ideal amount of N needed based on your current soil conditions and future weather. Granular nitrogen will skew your results by adding excess N into the system. If granular nitrogen has been applied, understanding the release curve of that nitrogen source will help you anticipate excess growth, which can be managed by proactive use of the Observed Clipping Yield. We often recommend setting it to "high" or "very high" for several weeks after the application to account for the additional N applied in the soil.

Should I discontinue physical activities like Grooming, Brushing and Verticutting? Physical procedures traditionally used and perceived to enhance leaf texture become much less necessary with Predict N7. If turf is subjected to aggressive physical activities for extended periods while following PN7 recommendations, then additional Nitrogen and metabolites will be needed to heal and recover from these procedures and the plants metabolism will become unbalanced. A general rule of thumb for cultural practices is to avoid procedures that require extra nitrogen above the PN7 recommendations to heal.

Can I roll my greens while using Predict N7? Yes! Rolling works extremely well with Predict N7 recommendations. Many courses using PN7 will alternate rolling one day with mowing the next day. For more speed, roll more rather than mowing lower and more frequently. Ultimately a solid front roller with a standard bedknife angle and likely a higher height will achieve desired putting speeds, smoothness, and trueness.

Can I Topdress while using Predict N7? Yes! Topdressing at light and moderate rates works extremely well with the Model to smooth putting surfaces and dilute organic matter. PN7 + topdressing is the best way to manage organic matter.

What if I have more questions about my cultural practices or results? eMail our agronomy team at with questions about application rates, best practices, or results.

Model Settings FAQs

Model Settings

How should I use the Observed Clipping Yield model setting? Using these buttons will modify your Supplemental Nitrogen recommendations based on your clipping yields over the PAST 3-4 DAYS. This is your judgement about what you have seen in growth relative to your preferred “normal”. This setting will help adjust N to dial in growth. For example, if you have experienced more clippings than preferred, then you would select either "High" or "Very High". This indicates that there is too much nitrogen in the system and Predict N7 will reduce the Nitrogen amount accordingly. In contrast, if you are not getting enough growth, then you would select "Low" or "Very Low". This indicates that there is not enough nitrogen for desired growth, so Predict N7 will add additional nitrogen accordingly.

How should I use the Stress Tolerance Amplifier? This setting should be "On" if you have seen signs of non-weather related stress to the plant (i.e. heavy traffic, wilt, etc.) or anticipate the plant will be under additional non-weather related stresses in the next 7-14 days. Do not use this model setting to account for weather related stress as Predict N7 uses your weather forecast for this. Many superintendents that use Predict N7 and manage for very ‘high performance’ surfaces (12’ + stimpmeter) leave the stress tolerance amplifier button ‘on’.

How do I use the Need Surface Density model setting? If there is any need to stimulate more lateral tillering, such as healing in from aerification recovery or to fill in thinning areas, then select ‘Yes’ here. NOTE: This is not to be used on cool season putting surfaces if temperatures are above 85° F.

How do I change my model's mowing height parameter (above 0.125" - below 0.125")? Go to the My My Models page, which is available by clicking on the star on the left side bar of your Predict N7 home page.

Account & Setup FAQs

Account & Setup

When will my account be activated so I can get started using Predict N7? Predict N7 uses proprietary location specific Ana-Lync soil data to perform calculations, so at least one Ana-Lync soil test is required to activate your account. Email your Ana-Lync soil test results to If you need a test kit or assistance locating a local Floratine rep to pull soil samples, please email We also require payment for your subscription before activation.

How do I add a new model? Go to the My Models page, which is available by clicking on the star on the left side bar of your Predict N7 home page. Once on the My Models page, click on Add Another Model, select the Model Type, and then scroll down to enter your Field or Course Name. You will receive an invoice and request for Ana-Lync soil test data. Once we receive payment and Analync data, your new model will be activated and available from your home page.

How do I pay for my subscription? You will receive an invoice via email (usually within 24 hours of registration) that can be paid via a link by credit card or ACH. You can also send a check. We hope to add credit card payment to the registration process in the near future.

What if I forget my password or login? Your login is usually your email address. If you forget your password, go to the Predict N7 login page and select the “reset password” link. If this is not working or you do not have the login information required, please contact us for assistance at

How do I change my contact information or password? You can edit your account information from the My Models page, which is available by clicking on the star on the left side bar of your Predict N7 home page.

Can I cancel my subscription? You can cancel your subscription at the end of your renewal period by contacting your sales rep or emailing Subscriptions are paid in advance for 1 year and are not refundable. If you are dissatisfied for any reason, please let us know and we will do all that we can to address your concerns.

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