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Understanding Metabolic Science will make you think differently about managing finely-mowed, heavily-stressed turfgrasses. 

50,000+ Proteins and Enzymes 

Turf Strength, Defense, Mining, and Recovery
comes from it's constant ability to produce 50,000+ critical Proteins and Enzymes. 
Metabolic Plant Processes

Biochemical Processes Drive Turf Health and Performance

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Turf Health and Performance is driven by the circular efficiency of its cellular biochemical processes,

A specific quantity and balance of specific
Phytohormones, Nutrients, and Metabolites is required at each process step.

Nitrogen serves as a lynchpin for success, as it is an essential component for Protein Synthesis, Nucleic Acid Formation, Chlorophyll Production and Energy Transfer.

The Mowing Low Challenge 

When grass is mowed low, it can't capture enough sunlight
to make the required
phytohormones and metabolites needed to maximize
the major plant processes
or utilize any excess
nitrogen for protein synthesis.
Mowing Low Challenge.png

Which Leads to Natural Deficiencies in Finely Mowed Turf 

Nitrogen Management is constant focus for turf managers because Nitrogen is a lynchpin for these processes.  

Too much nitrogen
creates an imbalance in the Carbohydrate:Nitrogen ratio, so the plant counterbalances with topical growth to capture more sunlight, robbing energy from it's rooting reserves.  Excess nitrogen will also be stored and widen leaf blades, which slows down ball speeds.

Too little nitrogen
starves the metabolic processes and weakens the plant, resulting in shallow rooting, weak leaf blades, and poor color. 

Predictive Nitrogen Modeling for Finely Mowed Turf

Addressing Deficiencies.png

Predict N7's Patent Pending Algorithms Predict Supplemental Nitrogen Requirements and Calculate Nutrient, Metabolite and Phytohormone Deficiencies Before They Happen 

All based on Forecasted Weather, Soil Data, and Turf Manager Inputs.

Recommendations Change Based On:
-Forecasted Temperature, Dew Point
-Mowing Heights
-Organic Nitrogen Mineralization
-Turf Manager's Desired Goals
(Clipping Yield, Additional Stress Tolerance, Additional Surface Density)


Why Predict N7 Recommends Floratine Products 

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​The short answer: Our extensive field testing showed that using Floratine products with predictive Nitrogen modeling produced superior results when compared to using Nitrogen recommendations with other foliar products. 


The scientific reason: Each Floratine product is designed for a different biochemical plant process with its own unique and patented blend of Phytohormones, Nutrients, and Metabolites.  This allows them to individually and collectively raise all photosynthetic reactions needed for true plant health, without the need to increase mowing heights. 


X-Factor 23/24 contain the 3 forms of N the plant can immediately utilize and balanced for better metabolic utilization:
Nitrate (NO3), Ammonium (NH4), and Urea

Only Food-Grade or Pharmaceutical-Grade Nutrients with

NO Chlorides or Hydroxides 
Floratine's Uniquely Sourced Nutrients

Amino Acids * Anti-Oxidants * Biostimulants * Carbon Fractions * Complex Carbohydrates * Enzymes * Fulvic Acids * Glycomics * Humic Acids * Organic Acids * Peptides * Phytoalexins * Phytohormones (Gibberellins, Auxins, Cytokinins, Salicylic Acids) * Polysaccharides * Proteins * Simple Sugars * Stabilized Phosphites * Vitamins
Floratine's Extensive List of Phytohormones and Metabolites:

The key to superior results is having the correct products applied at rates balanced with supplemental nitrogen needs. 

Predict N7 Home Screen

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Rates And Products To Match Required Metabolic Levels

(from example above)

1.5 oz

Knife /Renaissance
1.25 oz

.46 oz

XF 23/24
1.5 oz

Citric Cycle
1.75 oz

1.0 oz

Floradox Pro

Maintaining Metabolic Balance is why Turf Managers say
"Predict N7 is changing the industry!"

River Bend August 2024.jpeg

*Naturally Stronger Plant

*Fights Diseases and Overcomes Stresses

*Mines More Nutrients Out of the Ground

*More Energy to Recover Faster​



PREDICT-N₇ was originally created by Cutler Robinson, CGCS with a Masters in Plant Physiology as a spreadsheet model to determine the amount of nitrogen a putting green would metabolize at different GDD (Growing Degree Days).  The original model was intended to help a Turf Manager regulate growth without using a growth regulator. 


Over time, Predictive Agronomics founders discovered that matching N management with products offering the proper amount of phytohormones and metabolites produced extraordinary results.  They continued to study this and fine tune formulas over the course of 3 years.


Why it works...

If too much nitrogen is in the plant at any given time, it triggers unwanted topical growth and the plant will start to swell, texture goes from fine to coarse, ball speeds are slower, diseases enter more easily, and eventually leaf blades will lay over. Knowing the right amount of nitrogen is the best way to avoid these problems.


While superintendents often manage nitrogen inputs based on intuition and experience, PREDICT-N₇  more accurately predicts desired inputs using location specific soil and future weather data. Superintendents can even dial-in their nitrogen inputs better to manage the growth and playing conditions they want.


However, balancing nitrogen inputs is not enough to achieve ultimate playability, because it is only a piece of a greater process. Instead, all the Major Plant Process Steps need to be in balance too, so that protein and enzyme productions can be maximized. The total number of proteins and enzymes the plant can store determines the amount of strength the plant has to defend itself and recover quickly for ultimate playability. Unfortunately, when the turf is mowed low, the minimized leaf blades restrict the number of raw materials the plant critically needs, makes, and uses in all process steps that lead to building proteins and enzymes.


After four years of successful Beta Testing with many golf courses and athletic fields, we are comfortable with launching PREDICT-N₇ as a web-based service for Golf Courses- Greens, Tees, and Fairways and Sports Turf- Professional Athletic Fields.

For More Information About Predict N7:

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Roanoke, VA 24014


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